Entrepreneurs: Thrive More, Sacrifice Less

Master The Skills, Strategies, & Systems To Transform From An Achiever To A Thriver

Become A Thriver And Live Your 'Someday' Sooner Then You Think Possible

YES! I Want To Become A Thriver

Live Your 'Someday' You Always Wanted With Success, Joy & Fulfillment Now 

Thrive financially and in every area of life simultaneously:

  • Increase your productivity, efficiency, & results to levels you have never experienced before
  • Create extreme clarity how you will achieve financial freedom faster then you thought
  • Enjoy an abundance of energy feeling powerful & unstoppable
  • Be in an intimate relationship where you feel loved, respected, & appreciated again
  • Laugh and have more fun in your life
  • Live a life you love with no major sacrifice, guilt, or regrets
  • Don't just excel in 1-2 areas when you could thrive in every area of life

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

Master the skills, strategies, & systems to become a thriver and enjoy the best year of your life every year.

YES! I Want To Become A Thriver

In The Next 12 Months,
You Could…

  • Transform from an Achiever to a Thriver
  • Join the 1% and what they are doing for incredible results
  • Begin to live that 'someday' life now
  • Grow and be surrounded with like minded strive to Thrivers
  • Have much greater success, joy, & fulfillment

The right skills, strategies, & systems make all the difference! 


Strive2Thrive Academy

Where Achievers Become Thrivers

We are a community dedicated to becoming Thrivers. We desire to be a part of the 1% and thrive in every area of life and to do so with joy & fulfillment. 

To accomplish this we focus on the skills, strategies, & systems that Thrivers use and to implement these into our lives. We do this by:

  • Monthly Live 60-90 Minute Masterclass
  • Monthly Live 60 Minute Q&A Session
  • Database Of All Past Recorded Masterclass Trainings starting 04/24
  • Regular Challenges For Proper Implementation
  • Access To Private Community With Fellow Like Minded Strivers
  • Regular Organized Networking With Other Thrivers
  • Giveaways
  • Bonus 'Trainings' Throughout The Year

This is not about motivation or inspiration (although you will be). Think of it as more of a workshop. Each month we focus on implementing specific skills, strategies, & systems that allow you to become a Thriver and excel financially and in every area of life sooner then you thought possible. Don't settle or sacrifice, enjoy the best year of your life the next 12 months and every year thereafter.

YES! I Want To Become A Thriver

Here Are Sample Upcoming Or Recently Completed Strive2Thrive Academy Monthly Masterclass Topics...


Taking Control Of Your Business

One of the biggest challenges Achievers face is their own business. They get into business to achieve freedom yet end up working more then ever serving the business. Thrivers know how to get the business to serve them. In this masterclass we will discover:

  • How to take control of your business so it serves you rather then you serving the business
  • How to keep the business growing without you sacrificing your life
  • The skills, strategies, & systems Thrivers use for quick results

You’ll finish this masterclass knowing exactly how to control your business and dictate its growth without you sacrificing your life for it.


How Thrivers Overcome Adversity Quickly

We can't achieve great success without adversity. Most try to avoid it but Thrivers embrace it and use it to their advantage. In this masterclass you will discover:

  • How to proactively put systems and strategies in place before adversity to lessen the repercussions. 
  • The skills and system to quickly move through the pain of adversity
  • How to use the adversity as a springboard to faster success. 

You’ll finish this masterclass with confidence and the know how you can face any adversity and kick its butt.


Taking Your Intimate Relationship Immediately To The Next Level

Most Achievers take their intimate relationship for granted and why they have the highest divorce rate of any category. Your success doesn't matter if you don't have someone to share it with. Thrivers understand it isn't about the quantity of hours but rather the quality of time spent that grows the relationship. In this masterclass we will discover:

  • How to ensure quality time with your spouse happens with no affect on the business
  • What strategies create and grow your bond together quickly
  • The system to immediately get a more intimate connection 

You’ll finish this masterclass knowing and ready to reignite and grow your intimate relationship. You may even fall in love all over again. 


How As A Thriver You Can Increase Your Energy

Most Achievers think they don't have enough time but in reality they just run out of energy and with low energy comes low productivity, poor decision making, and lots of distractions. They use energy drinks & caffeine that help temporarily until they ultimately crash and at what cost to their health? Thrivers have they skills and systems to create energy and in this masterclass we will discover:

  • How to naturally create energy any time you need it
  • The best way to prevent energy crashes
  • The skill, strategies, and systems to not only increase your energy levels but that of your team and those around you

You’ll finish this masterclass energized and ready to eliminate the caffeine and energy drinks not to mention your productivity will immediately skyrocket.


Discover Your Unfair Advantage And How To Use It

Everyone goes through self-doubt hindering the growth of themselves and their business. At the same time everyone also has an unfair advantage over everyone else- they just don't realize it. In this masterclass we will discover:

  • What is your unfair advantage
  • How to take advantage of this unfair advantage to achieve your dreams
  • How to share your unfair advantage to make a contribution and difference with others 

You’ll finish this masterclass with knowledge and confidence of this unfair advantage you never knew you had and how to use it as a Thriver.


How Thrivers Eliminate Distractions And Easily Stay Focused And 'In The Zone'

We are all today bombarded with 100's of distractions coming at us each day. These distractions destroy productivity causing goals to take much longer to achieve if ever. In this masterclass we will discover:

  • The system to eliminate most distractions before they even occur
  • How to quickly handle the distractions when they get through to you
  • The scheduling system the most successful Thrivers use to dramatically increase their time efficiency.  

You’ll finish this masterclass with the ability to stay focused and 'in the zone' much longer achieving greater results much faster. Most are able to eliminate enough distractions to free up 2-4 hours per day.

This Academy Is For You If...

  • You want to do less but with much greater results
  • You have success but don't feel successful
  • You don't want to settle for success in just 1-2 areas of life
  • You don’t want to keep sacrificing for 'someday' 
  • You no longer want to feel like you are striving alone
  • You want to join the 1% and become a Thriver
YES! I Want To Become A Thriver

I'm Greg Slaughter

After filing for bankruptcy in 2010, I realized I had spent 27 years as an achiever, setting goals and making sacrifices in pursuit of a ‘someday’ dream life. Starting over with nothing, I refused to repeat that process and was determined to achieve financial freedom without all the sacrifices.

Over the next 9 years, I discovered the distinction between achievers and the top 1%—Thrivers. Thrivers think and act differently to thrive in both business and every area of life simultaneously.

I used these insights to achieve remarkable results and now empower other achievers with the skills, strategies, and systems to become Thrivers and live their dreams much sooner than they thought possible.



"Greg understands systems & processes at a level I've never seen before"


"A lot of time when you can not get to the end goal or end desire that you want its because you don't have the right systems & processes in your life. You have desires, dreams, & aspirations but you don't have the clear steps and the pathways to get there. Greg has a simple path that I think will help radically change who you are and how you accomplish the dreams & aspirations that you have in your life" 

Eddie Wilson- CEO Collective Influence, Think Realty, & AAPL

Jeremy Weeks

“Greg Slaughter is a driven, highly educated and inspirational person.  All of this comes through clearly when he speaks.  You can tell he is passionate about helping people and sharing his extensive knowledge to improve anyone’s life who is willing to listen and implement.  I have seen Greg speak at numerous events for all different purposes.  I have even driven an hour away - just to hear his message - on several occasions.  His public speaking engagements truly leave the audience motivated to succeed.  I am grateful to call him a mentor and the information I have learned over the years has proven to be priceless both personally and professionally.”

Nancy Navarro

"I first saw Greg speak at an investor's association meeting almost 10 years ago. I was impressed by his knowledge, organization, and speaking skills. This prompted me to learn more about what he taught, and I would drive over one hour to see him speak at his monthly meetings. All of the information I learned from him was gold - all of it! He is always prepared, has an agenda, and makes valuable use of time. Most entrepreneurs are aware one should follow the teachings & strategies of those who are successful if we aspire to be successful ourselves. He has a wonderful relationship with his wife. This is something I've observed and am following  in his teachings with regards to my business and relationship with my husband. I highly recommend Greg Slaughter's Strive2Thrive Academy, or better yet his personal coaching program for higher accountability!"

Dave Overman

Greg Slaughter is a joy to learn from, a dynamic speaker in his own right who brings tremendous value and experience to the table and leaves no stone unturned. If you are fortunate enough to hear Greg speak it will be a powerful experience that will leave you filled with enthusiasm and belief that your goals and dreams are not only possible but with strategic actions they are actually within reach. 

Our Next Strive2Thrive
Live Masterclass

YES! I Want To Become A Thriver










Strive2Thrive Academy

6 Month All-Access Pass


Give Me A Taste

  • 60-90 Minute Monthly Live Masterclass
  • 60 Minute Monthly Live Q&A
  • Community Access With Like Minded Strivers
  • Challenges With Awards
  • Access To Additional Trainings Throughout The Year
  • Access To Recordings Of Previously Live Monthly Masterclasses
  • Giveaways

Yearly All-Access Pass


Save 28% Off Six Month All-Access Pass

  • 60-90 Minute Monthly Live Masterclass
  • 60 Minute Monthly Live Q&A
  • Community Access With Like Minded Strivers
  • Challenges With Awards
  • Access To Additional Trainings Throughout The Year
  • Access To Recordings Of Previously Live Monthly Masterclasses
  • Giveaways
  • Bonus: Immediate Access To "How To Generate $100,000 Per Year Networking" Recording 
  • Bonus: Immediate Access To "How To Quickly & Easily Raise Private Money" Recording

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