Empowering Achievers to  

Extreme Productivity  


Master The Skills, Strategies, & Systems 

To Thrive At Levels You Only Imagined 




Transform From An Achiever To A Thriver And

Enjoy The Most Successful Year Of Your Life 

Yes! I Am Ready To Thrive

Let's Be Honest For A Minute... 

  • You have achieved some success but you want more and you want it faster
  • You have big dreams working your butt off making sacrifices along the way so you can live your dream life 'someday'
  • Achieving success and your goals are always on your mind
  • You set big goals and once you get close to achieving them you set bigger goals to keep growing
  • You will never quit as you will do whatever it takes to be successful and you are proud of that
  • No matter the obstacle you will find a way around or over it
  • No one is going to out work or out hustle you
  • You know you should focus more on your health but you will have time for that once you have achieved your goals
  • Your spouse should be grateful that you work like you do because you are doing it so you can both enjoy a great life you are creating
  • Although you are successful, you feel like you are not where you want be at this point in your life and there should be more

Are You an Achiever?


If you answered yes to the majority of those questions you are an Achiever. Congratulations!


We all know the 80/20 rule and achievers make up the 20% and the 80% are known as 'survivors'. Whatever success you have you created and earned it as you made the sacrifices necessary to achieve that success.


Achievers always have a desire for more as they chase their dreams. They set big goals followed by bigger goals and continue this process most of their life achieving great accomplishments in one or two areas of life. This is what achievers have been taught and also what has gotten them their success and into the top 20%. 


Transform Into a Thriver?


Within that top 20% you will of course always have the top 1%. They are called 'Thrivers'. They also achieve tremendous accomplishments but do so much faster and in every area of life! They also do this with joy & fulfillment with no major sacrifice, guilt, or regrets. 


How do they do this? It isn't about working harder, or smarter, getting up earlier, delegating more, or any other tactic that achievers use. Thrivers think and do things differently. Unfortunately, the challenge is that everyone knows the process to become an achiever but very few know the process to become a thriver. Until Now!


We must first start with the foundation (learning the abc's/alphabet before speaking a new language). Below you will find the 6 step process to thrive. This 6 step process is applied to each area of life and then many additional skills, strategies, & systems are added to achieve amazing results.

This 6 Step Process To Thrive Is The

Foundation To Creating Faster Success As A Thriver 

Step 1

You must always start by removing obstacles that are preventing you from thriving now. We do this by "Taking Ownership & Control".  This eliminates any possible barriers giving you the confidence and power to quickly move forward and achieve results.

Step 2

"Honor Your Inner Compass". Achievers are trained our entire lives to chase big goals driven by our egos. We must remove our egos and only then are you able to discover exactly what you really want from within your heart.  

Step 3

To get to the next level of success in anything you must "Raise & Develop Next Level Skills". These are not your typical business skills but rather your mastery skills. These skills determine whether you breakthrough to the next level or plateau where you are at.

Step 4

Achievers spend the most amount of time here but unfortunately usually get it wrong. If you want to thrive you must "Implement Proper Strategies" that directly accomplishes what you determined in Step 2.

Step 5

We all know that consistency is the key to success. Unfortunately most depend on self-discipline which will fail 100% of the time. Therefore, you must "Vigorously Create Consistency With Systems/Habits" so you automate the consistency you need to thrive. 

Step 6

You get what you focus on and the best way to keep focus is to "Evaluate, Measure, & Track What You Control" which is step step 6. The more often you do this is directly related to the speed at which what you desire is accomplished. 

Yes! I Am Ready To Transform From An Achiever To A Thriver

I'm Greg Slaughter


I was a proud achiever for 27 years until I had a life changing event in 2010 that sent me on the journey I am today. Learn more about my story HERE.  On this journey I discovered thrivers and my life has never been the same. I now dedicate my life to empowering achievers to master the skills, strategies, & systems to transform into thrivers and live their dream life with joy & fulfillment much sooner then they think possible.


Below you will find options, opportunities, and tools to assist your transformation into a thriver and the top 1% should you decide to do so. You have the foundational 6 step process to thrive but many additional skills, strategies, & systems are needed on top of that. Chose what works best for you and your situation and when you decide to make that transformation I will be here to help in any way I can!

Exclusive Memberships, Advanced Courses, Expert Coaching, & Tools To Propel Your Transformation From Achiever To Thriver

Strive2Thrive Academy

Work with Greg and other strivers each month to master the six step process to Thrive along with the skills, strategies, & systems to thrive financially and in every area of life. 

Enroll Today

The Time To Thrive

A go at your own pace productivity online course that will dramatically increase your productivity, efficiency, and results to extreme levels you have never experienced before.  

Access Instantly

Mentorship Program

A six month high level one-on-one mentorship program with Greg. I will personally work with you to master the 6 step process to thrive and transform you from an achiever to a thriver. 

Apply Today


Explore my library of free resources designed to enhance your skills, strategies, and systems to thrive financially and in every area of life faster than you thought possible. 
