High Level One-On-One Mentoring

Extreme Productivity

Begin to Thrive In Business & Life Simultaneously In The Next 6 Months!

Yes! I am ready to Thrive!

In the next 6 months...


You will integrate your business & personal life so they work in tandem with no sacrifices.

You will gain control and reach levels of extreme productivity you only imagined. 

You will create an abundance of energy feeling powerful and unstoppable without the use of caffeine or energy drinks

You will become a better spouse/partner improving your intimate relationship feeling loved, respected, & appreciated again.

You will become a better Parent connecting with your children at a level you didn't know existed (if applicable).

Your confidence will soar as you develop the skills and implement the strategies & systems to get into the best shape your have been in years and maintain it.  

You will stop any procrastination and take action on things that make you excited again. 

You will follow through and accomplish goals that you haven't been able to for years.

You will transform your life with more joy and fulfillment while growing your financial success.

The 6-Step Process To Thrive Will Transform Your Business & Life Faster Then You Believe Possible Regardless Of Where You Are Now

Step 1

You must always start by "Taking Ownership & Control".  This eliminates any possible barriers giving you the confidence and power to quickly move forward and achieve results.

Step 2

"Honor Your Inner Compass". Entrepreneurs are trained our entire lives to chase big goals driven by our egos. We must remove our egos and only then are you able to discover exactly what you really want from within your heart.  

Step 3

To get to the next level of success in anything you must "Raise & Develop Next Level Skills". These are not your typical business skills but rather your mastery skills. These skills determine whether you breakthrough to the next level or plateau where you are at. 

Step 4

Entrepreneurs spend the most amount of time here but usually get it wrong. If you want to thrive you must "Implement Proper Strategies" that directly accomplishes what you determined in Step 2.  

Step 5

We all know that consistency is the key to success. Unfortunately most depend on self-discipline which will fail 100% of the time. Therefore, you must "Vigorously Create Consistency With Systems/Habits" so you automate the consistency you need to thrive. 

Step 6

You get what you focus on and the best way to keep focus is on one particular subject is step 6 which is "Evaluate, Measure, & Track What You Control". The more often you do this is directly related to the speed at which what you desire is accomplished. 

Yes! I Am Ready To Thrive!

This six month mentorship is for you if you are ...


An Entrepreneur

Someone that doesn't want to settle for 'good' but desires to thrive

Looking for a mentor with experience to guide you to faster success

Wanting to grow personally and be a better spouse, parent,  and/or friend

Eager to dramatically increase your productivity & efficiency

Not wanting to just be motivated & inspired, you want proven systems to use

Ready to 'Thrive Without Sacrifice'

How The Six Month Mentorship Works

  • A date will be set up for Greg to fly to your office for a full 2 day visit. This is for observation to create the foundation of where you are at currently, what strategies and systems to be implemented immediately, and what specific mastery skills need to be developed. Here is the agenda for the 2 days: 
    1. Day one will begin at your office at 10am. This day will go until you have had enough for the day.
    2. Day 2 will begin at 10am at your office and run till about 6pm giving enough time for Greg to catch a late flight out that night.
  • Approximately 2 weeks later there will be a one hour follow up zoom call with Greg to answer any questions/challenges that have come up as well as skills training needed for you to thrive. 
  • There will be 10 additional 1 hour zoom calls every 2 weeks to continue additional skills training as well as further implementation of strategies and systems specific to your situation.
  • Greg will determine what, if any, additional steps for you to Thrive and achieve Extreme Productivity.
  • You will have email access to Greg at all times during the six months as well for any questions in between the zoom calls.  
  • As a bonus, you will be granted lifetime access for free into the Extreme Productivity online course.
  • As a second bonus you will also receive free access into the Strive2Thrive Academy for the six months during your mentorship.  
Yes! I am ready to Thrive!

Why Mentor With Greg?

My name is Greg (aka The Systems Guy). I am here to empower you to master the skills, strategies, & systems to 'Thrive Without Sacrifice'. I have helped others to do this and it would be my honor to help you as well. 

With my proprietary six step process as the foundation I help Entrepreneurs to thrive not just in business but in any and every area of life they desire at the same time. 

After sacrificing many things in my life for 27 years working crazy hours to achieve that 'someday dream life' I found myself filing bankruptcy, in an unhealthy marriage, not in the best shape, no close friends, and no joy or fulfillment. Starting over from nothing I demanded that I would achieve financial freedom with "no sacrifice"

Over the next 9 years I slowly discovered and implemented these six steps and simultaneously achieved business success & financial freedom, good health, revitalized the marriage and renewed our vows, created many new outstanding friends, traveled through all 7 continents and 50 states, and had fun and enjoyed doing it!

Now I share what I learned with other Entrepreneurs so they too can 'Thrive Without Sacrifice' and achieve their someday dream life much sooner then they think possible. 

Do You Qualify?


Greg only works with 1-3 Entrepreneurs at a time therefore he is very selective with whom he mentors. At the same time this mentorship is not created for everyone. For those reasons there are a set of criteria in order to qualify for this mentorship. Please read through this criteria thoroughly to ensure you are not wasting your time: 


This is for Entrepreneurs only. If you have a 9-5 sorry this is not designed for you.

This mentorship is built to achieve lasting life changing results. In order to do that, we must take a deep dive into both your business & personal life. Therefore you must be willing to be open, honest, and fully vulnerable. This is the only way to ensure the results you desire.

You must be willing to treat this like a bootcamp and make a full six month commitment. Greg is fully vested in this mentorship so you must be as well.

You must be willing to have your progress and results recorded (minus the sensitive private personal stuff of course). 

This is NOT designed to save a business struggling to pay the bills. It is designed for a business that at least has some success now.

We are not sales people looking to make a sale. Greg is mentoring to change lives. Therefore we post the investment up front so there is no wasting time discussing it. The total investment of your six month mentorship with Greg is only $8,000 and this includes all of his expenses (flights, hotel, car, food, etc) to your office. When you are ready to 'Thrive Without Sacrifice' you may apply below. 

How The Application Process Works 


  • Please review the qualifications above before applying
  • If you qualify and you are ready to 'Thrive Without Sacrifice' click the "Apply Now" below
  • You will be taken to an application to complete online. 
  • Once you submit the application you will get a confirmation it was received.
  • Once your application is received it will be reviewed to confirm qualifications.
  • If the application is accepted you will receive an invitation for a 45 minute 'Get Acquainted' free zoom call with Greg.
  • This call is for both of us to get our questions answered and to see if we are a good fit before proceeding any further.
  • If we both desire to move forward a starting date for the six month mentorship to begin will be determined.